Friday, February 17, 2012


While nations battled with bombs and guns, their leaders dueled with subtler weapons—charm, flattery, and deception. The outcome reshaped the world. This critically acclaimed four-part documentary examines the 20th century’s bloodiest conflict from a completely unique perspective: the mind games played by its principals. Taking you inside the heads of historical figures, Warlords analyzes four psychological duels—Hitler v. Stalin, Churchill v. Roosevelt, Churchill v. Stalin, and Roosevelt v. Stalin—each marked by mutual suspicion, false promises, and hidden agendas. What delusions drove Stalin to sign a pact with Hitler, his ideological enemy? How did Roosevelt boost Churchill’s resolve early in the war, without committing U.S. troops? Why did Churchill argue so vehemently for a southern invasion of Europe, and why did his two allies refuse? And why did Roosevelt trust Stalin more than he did Churchill? Using the leaders’ own words—as well as the personal recollections and private diaries of their most intimate advisors—Warlords provides surprising answers to these provocative questions. The four warlords emerge as fascinating, flawed, and fully human.

Part 1: Hitler vs. Stalin, August 1939 - June 1941 - As World War II begins, the two most extreme proponents of totalitarian violence sign a nonaggression pact. Less than two years later, however, the nominal allies turn on each other. The seeds of Hitler's betrayal lie in his psyche: he foolishly believes that he has already won in Western Europe, and he begins to suspect a secret pact between Churchill and Stalin.
Part 2: Churchill vs. Roosevelt, May 1940 - April 1942 - During the Battle of Britain, Roosevelt overcomes his long-held dislike of Churchill, inflating his promises of aid and boosting the prime minister's resolve to fight on. All the while, the U.S. President pursues his own self-interested agenda -- to defend his country from Hitler without losing American lives.
Part 3: Churchill vs. Stalin, June 1941 - June 1944 - As the war grinds on, Stalin pushes his allies to accept the 1941 frontiers, ostensibly for the Soviet Union's security. Churchill, however, interprets Stalin's demands as a land grab. He urges a U.S.-British invasion from the Adriatic through the Balkans not only to attack the Nazis' "soft underbelly," but also to preempt Stalin's postwar plans.
Part 4: Roosevelt vs. Stalin, July 1944 - April 1945 - Despite Stalin's ruthless duplicity in refusing to support the Polish underground's uprising in Warsaw, Roosevelt fears Churchill's Old World imperialist tendencies even more than he does apparent Soviet ambitions. The American president aims to moderate the Russian ruler's harshness and seeks compromise, not confrontation, with Stalin.

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