Friday, March 9, 2012

Discovery Channel The Spear of Jesus

 Legend has it this ancient spearhead was thrust into the side of Christ as he hung on the cross. An act that transformed it into a weapon shrouded in mystery and legend. The promise of victory has seduced many over the centuries. Coveted by roman emperors, fought over by medieval kings, stolen by dictators. But how much of this epic story is true. Amid tight security the ancient spearhead is undergoing the latest scientific testing. Can 21st century science reveal the truth behind the many myths of the Spear of Jesus?
The story of the holy spear began at the crucifixtion of Jesus of nazareth. According to the gospel of saint john, a roman soldier thrust his spear into the side of jesus to ensure he was dead. Some of history's most powerful leaders have believed in this spear and it's prophecy: "Whosoever claims this spear and solves it's secrets holds the destiny of the world in it's hands for good or evil"

1 comment:

  1. The definitive documentary on this subject was 'The Legend of the Holy Spear' which goes by other titles in different media. Presented by Robert Feather, a metallurgist, who was the only person allowed to perform scientific tests on the Spear for the last 50 years, it I truly revealing. The study conducted in Vienna seems to verify the antiquity of the Spear and exposes some inscriptions deep inside the artifact.
